The Magic of Thinking Big Review
The Magic of Thinking Big Quotes David Schwartz says that if you think big, you will become big. This book will teach you how to believe in yourself, avoid making excuses, remove your fears and how to reach the top. You will also learn when to choose which decision and how to maintain positive thinking. As you always wanted, you can become a successful man. You just need to change your way of thinking, start by reading this book.
Who should read this book
- Young professionals
- regular employees
- earning members of the family
- anyone who wants to achieve more
About author of The Magic of Thinking Big
David J. Schwartz was an expert life strategist and self-help coach. He is considered the leader of giving Motivation. Schwartz was a professor at Georgia State University and a founder of a leadership consultancy firm.
The Magic of Thinking Big Summary
You may have heard this thing many times - think big! Think Out of Box! Do more and be more. This is quite a common motivational advice that everyone gives to each other. And we too hope that this is true by believing in these things. But do we really know whether this advice will work or not? Do you really think that Thinking Big can give you the success you want? If you are among such people who ask the same question to themselves, then you will find their answers in this book. The magic of Thinking Big will help you in realizing how much your thinking does in your success. Thinking plays a very big role in who you are and what you want to be. Your thinking will help in achieving what you reserve. So in this book called "Magic of Thinking Big" you will get to learn the basic principal and concepts which are based and tested on real life situation. It will show you what to do and how you can get big success and big happiness by applying those principals.
So first comes first-
Success is the goal of everyone's life. However, whether in success education or career or in family life, these journals want to be successful. Most people find success to be an out of reach and impossible thing. But the success formula in reality is quite simple, just start Believe on yourself that you can. And when you start believing that you can do something, then you will really do it. And once you are determined to do something, then you will understand yourself how to do something. The ek man was working in the company of Tie & Die, he used to earn decent money from this work but he was not satisfied. He was living in a small house with his wife and two children. They did not have enough money to get a big house or fulfill their remaining needs. As the days went by, the man became unhappy about his life and because of not giving happiness to his family, he was hurt the most.
After some years, he got a job at another place. Here too his work was bean but one place was different. This place was far away from his house but he thought why not try. The day before the job interview, the man met some successful people whom he knew. He asked himself what do those people have that he does not have. The man was completely convinced that he did not become successful because of his intelligence, personality or education, but because he had taken the initiative! They all believed in themselves that they can do something. Next Morning, the man went for a job interview with complete confidence. And with great courage he also demanded 300% more salary.
He was demanding so much salary because he had confidence in himself that he deserves so much. And because of his confidence, he got that job. So you also believe in yourself that you can. Believe that you can get the same marks as others. Do not always be a second class. Recognize your worth and believe that you can do more than this and can become! When you start thinking big, you will get big success automatically.
If we observe and study others, then we will know that unsuccessful people are suffering from a brain-closing disease in actuality. This disease is called excusestis. People who travel through it do not see this, but we often confer some aspects of our life and consider them responsible for their failure. When people ask us what happened, why are we not progressing, we make excuses like- "I have health issues or am I too old or I am not as intelligent or I am unlucky"
Once during a sales training program, there was a trainee named Cecil. But Cecil had a big lack of confidence because he felt that he was too old for this job. She was so convinced that what she wanted to be, could never be made because she thought that it was too late. Later during the beans training, the host asked Cecil if he knew when the man's productive life started and when and. So Cecil gave a practical answer saying that man can work for 20 to 70 years. And she herself was surprised by her answer! Cecil realizes that she has not even reached the halfway point of her productive age, and yet she is nervous about moving forward. There is no boundary of success. We have to go ahead and remove our failure mentality even if it is hidden somewhere inside us.
The Next Next Simple Says
Fear is just a game of mind for some people. But the truth is that fear is real and before it controls us, we have to recognize it. A group of Navy recruits were tested for swimming ability. Most of them were young boys who were afraid of the depth of the water, even a few feet deep. In an exercise, he was asked to jump into the water from 15 feet. Nobody dared to jump into the water. The Navy officer asked volunteers to come forward but no one came. The officer got an idea, took the name of a recruit and called him to himself. When that recruits came to him, the officer said something slowly to him and pushed him into the water pool. Seeing this, all the recruits were shocked, the recruits which were pushed did not even come above the water. Everyone was scared and scared about what would happen, then suddenly he was seen stroking in the water. He was trying his best to get out of the water, he was evacuated from the pool with the help of a professional swimmer.
When the officer asked him if he would like to continue training, Recroot said yes with a big confidant! And he also said that he is ready to jump into the water again so that he can overcome his fear and learn swimming. You saw Action is the treatment of fear. Fear only prevents us from Believe that we can do something. It forbids us to grow like Possibilities. Through positive thoughts, you can build your confidence and remit the fear from your mind. Try to see the bright side of things and face your problems with optimism. When we hope and take any action in actuality, then the fear in you will automatically disappear.
The Next Next Simple Says
How to think big i.e. how to think big
A rich man was driving his expensive car. When he was going to meet his rich friends after parking the car at a nearby restaurant, he notices that a boy was watching his brand new car very carefully. When the rich man smiled upon seeing that boy, the boy told him how cool and expensive his car was. On this, the rich man said to the Confidence "It is not as expansive, it is gifted to him by his brother". The boy did not say anything after listening to that man. The rich man asked him whether he too is dreaming of getting such an expensive car? But the man was surprised to hear that boy's answer. "No, but wondering how I can be rich like your brother"?
If we see things as they can be and not as they are now, we can add a great value in them. So stretch your vision and do not just stare at what is visible but visualize what can happen in the future. And imagine a bigger and better picture of your success.