You Can Heal Your Life Louise hay Review
Sometimes there is such a time in life when nothing motivates us, our anthropomorphism starts to end. Then we feel that someone would help us. But imagine what happens? The truth is that in such a difficult time we find ourselves alone, no one comes forward to help, then the only thing left is - do your own help. But before you ever go through this situation, you have to learn the basic tenets of self-help philosophy and holistic health. And the best way to do this is to read this book called "You Can Heal Your Life".
1. What will we learn from You Can Heal Your Life book?
The reason for most of our problems is the dysfunctional bailiffs that force us to think in a limited way and then it happens that we cannot get out of our realm to think anything new and positive. If seen, these Beliefs are just constructions, not any reality. We are never able to forgive ourselves for our mistakes and repeatedly regress thinking of those things, which causes negative thinking in us.
2. Who should read this book?
Some of the mind-blowing revivals of this book inspire us to change our perspective, so this book should be read by all, it is one of those books that gives you life changing ideas and affects your personality in a positive way to an extent.
3. Who is the author of You Can Heal Your Life
Born on October 8, 1926, America-born Luzi was an American motive writer and the founder of "Hey House". In his life, he wrote many self help books. He had struggled a lot before becoming a published author. In his childhood, where he had to face abuses and violations, he grew up and had to do small things for money. His own life is an example of how a person can motive himself to move forward even in difficult circumstances.
You Can Heal Your Life Summary
We have all gone through this phase at some time - there is a lot of down-feel in life, when nothing motivates us, our enthusiasm or anything, it starts to end. At such a time, I wish someone would help us. But imagine what happens? Sometimes we have to face such a situation alone, no one is useful to us. Then the only thing left is - do your own help. But before you ever go through this situation, you have to learn the basic tenets of self-help philosophy and holistic health. And the best way to do this is to read this book called "You Can Heal Your Life" You Can Heal Your Life.
Although this book was written in 1984, but it is still as fresh and innovative as it was when it was printed 35 years ago. Louise Hay brought out a range of self-help books, manuals, and manuscripts, leading a trend that many writers are following this trend even today. And apart from this, the self-help industry was never as popular as it is today. And it will continue to do the same in future.
Roots of problems
Louise Hay clarifies that many problems in life are created due to our negative self-beliefs. "I don't deserve this or I'm not good" This kind of thinking. And if seen, some mental disease is actually due to this fundamental belief, such as the problem of depression. As everyone knows, depression is a serious mental condition that affects every aspect of life badly. Career, social life, hobbies, motivation are all affected by this depression. Today us In 15% of the population is suffering from depression disorder in some form. People suffering from melancholia (another term for mental disorder) have a major lack of self-empathy and self-care. Such people bring harm to themselves.
Many psychological studies have shown that depressive people consider their inner characteristic (eg Being Stupid) responsible for every failure, while on success, they think that they have got success for some particular reason, as if I was lucky that it Whether the work is done or whether this work was very easy. Let's see a typical example of such behavior - Mark, a moderate depression man, is preparing for an exam. During preparation, he has great nervousness and anxiousness about his result because he lacks self-confidence, and in addition to self-care, he does not even take the entire rest which worsens his condition. Let's do it. And when he failed, he said to himself: "I already knew that I would fail,
I am so stupid that I can never pass. The sad thing is that Mark really belives in the fact that he is Stupid. However, he ignores the rest of the factors - as if he was exhausted due to the preparation for the exam and due to this, he could not focus completely in his study. Speaking in other words, Mark unconsciously believes that "He is not good enough" but Mark would have said something like this if he was a little realistic: "Okay, sometimes I think negative but its Does not mean I am Stupid or I am always wrong "I too can do the right thing". Now this is a more healthy fundamental and realistic bill
From "I should" and "I must" to "I could" (From "I should" and "I must" to "I could")
As we saw in the last chapter, extreme negative lifes can make anyone's life miserable. You can see that people give some exclamations like "I have to", I should ", I must", these are called "Tyranny Trio". Now imagine this situation: You wake up early in the morning and think what I am going to do all day today. And you say to yourself: "Today I will definitely write 100 pages for my book" Now just think what you are saying because it is almost impossible that someone can write so many pages in a day. So you start writing and as time goes on you are realized that you could not complete your goal. And in the evening, you start to have a completely miraculous feeling. Because you set such a strict goal that you could not complete it.
So what will you do next thing? You will start criticizing yourself: "I will not be able to do anything, I am not able to achieve my goals" This type of talk will start coming in your mind. But what if you had set a realistic goal in the beginning? Come on, you got up in the morning and you said: "Today I will do as much as I can, not more or less". Now by doing this kind of goal, you will be able to do your work by tensioning it, if it has not happened then it is not right. The most important thing is that you will not have to critique yourself unnecessarily.
Beliefs are only a construction, not reality (Beliefs are only a construction, not reality
Human beings are well aware of the environment around them. But it is not perfect understanding, it is far from perfect, especially when it is everyday, such as social relations and self-perceptions, that is why we should always be careful that we do not take our representations of the world Take Everything in the world changes. Even the most positive billiffs, whether you agree or not! Just as depressive people believe that they think of themselves as bad and stupid, so are those who suffer from manic disorder because they have problems with self-confidence.
These are the sides of the same coin. Especially in this contemporary world, we need to be very careful about ourselves. Instagram, Facebook and other social networks try to trap us in this trap. And the more we become self-absorbed, the more we start thinking about ourselves, our followers and likes. And the problem is that we start boasting on our own that we have a strong Instagram account and we have thousands or lakh followers. But we should not forget that this type of self-confidence is fragile, it can break anytime.
Real self-confidence comes when we understand our own mistakes and shortcomings. We realize that no one is perfect, we are normal human being, no supermen. Beliefs Self - Concepts and Representations do not come suddenly. He has to construct himself from the young age itself so that we can grow and apply him in our life. Psychologists believe that it is from the young age that stong billions develop in children. The ideas that are formed about themselves and towards the environment around them are essential. Many mental problems, such as dysfunctional beliefs, personality disorder, begin to develop later due to dysfunctional beliefs in early childhood. It has an example:
Sarah, when she was 15 years old, had started showing symptoms of borderline personality disorder, now it is obvious that her problem would have started in a very young age. There were some regions of it, first of all, that Sarah's mother could not take care of her at all. Whenever he needed a consolation or a safe, warm environment, his mother never supported him. At times, his mother used to be so cold and distant that Sarah had to doubt whether she was his real mother or not. Apart from this, the situation got worse due to his father's absence. He rarely met Sarah and would not have cared for her even if she had met. Although he was a good actor but he was not a good father at all.
So Sarah had received rejections all her life, even from her parents. Now what this can mean for a small child is this: "I am not good, so nobody loves me". And when such a child grows up, it is not surprising if there are probable behaviors such as delinquency, drug-abuse, irresponsible sexual behavior, etc. And the same thing happened with Sarah - needless to say that her problem was greatly increased by drugs and other things.
People like Sarah should first find the root of their problem, they should realize that it is their condition today because of the Billiffs that developed in their early childhood. Do not blame yourself for your reckless behavior. And now the most important part: Sarah needs to forgive her parents. Why? Because maybe something similar happened to him in his childhood as well where his cold and harmless environment was mixed. Louise Hay does something like this:
"If you want to understand your parents, then listen to their childhood, and if you listen with compassion, then you will know where the Rigid pattern or their fear in their behavior comes from, your parents today whatever your We are doing together, maybe something similar happened to him in his childhood as well ”.